Monday, September 12, 2011

Configuring iSQL*Plus for SYSDBA or SYSOPER on Oracle 9i

iSQL*Plus, is a web based SQL*Plus environment as most people call it as “Glorified” SQL*Plus. I love it as it gives a formatted output which pleases the eyes. We do not have to worry about the formatting to set the column width as in SQL*Plus. Another reason, which pull me to iSQL*Plus is its ability to reuse the command from the history unlike SQL*Plus which stores only one command in the buffer. And most importantly from Oracle 9i onward, we do not need to install any client side application and it is completely works from inside a browser.

There are two modes of access to iSQL*Plus:

  • Connect as a normal User, the default mode:

Connecting as a default mode is easy as we can simply start the http server (Apache ). Follow the path: Start-> All Programs -> Oracle- OraHome92 -> Oracle HTTP Server ->Start HTTP Server as Shown in the figure.

Now start a browser and type ipaddress/isqlplus in the address bar (e.g: localhost/isqlplus)

You can enter your user name and password in the login

  • Connect with AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER privileges.

To connect with SYSDBA or SYSOPER privileges, your username and password must be added to the iSQL*Plus authentication file for the Oracle HTTP Server. On installation, the authentication file is created with no user entries at %ORACLE_HOME%\sqlplus\admin\ The username and password used in the authentication file is independent of the Oracle9i username and password.

To create a new user entry in an Oracle HTTP Server authentication file.

  1. Log in to the Oracle HTTP Server as the Oracle HTTP Server administrator.
  1. Change your directory to C:\Oracle\Ora92\Apache\Apache\bin\

  1. Run the htpasswd utility to add users to the authentication file. For AS SYSDBA or AS SYSOPER users, use the form:

htpasswd %ORACLE_HOME%\sqlplus\admin\ username

You are done. Now restart the HTTP server and open a browser and enter the following address ipaddress/isqlplusdba. You will be prompted for user name and password.

Once correct username and password is given, you are ready to logon as sysdba or sysoper.

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